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Great game but i am having trouble with emiko's last scene

Not the bathroom or the Bj but the last one how do i achieve it.... Also there is a secondary girl scene missing and i cant figure out which one is it? Could you tell me which girls are included in the secondary replay gallery so i cna figure it out :/

(2 edits)

Emiko's last replay scene is a favor exchange interaction. Just call her to the office and ask for a favor exchange.

There's also a favor exchange interaction with Rina. I would guess she's the secondary character scene you're missing. Just do the same thing mentioned above with her.


actually the favor i already done and also the bathroom thigh job one, it is the other one that i am missing.

Is there gonna be some kind of hint for gallery unlock in future patch? that would be very helpful to find missing replays

(1 edit)

Oh, that's her first replay then. It's the one in the prologue. Replay the start and don't skip the prologue and you'll get it.

And I think I'll add some descriptions to the replays on the next update. If possible, I'll see if I can add hints as well.


oh thank you so much, keep it up with the game i like it


Commenting to return here after restarting itchio app because its booked. And ill never find this again if I dont. Pls ignore


You able to take them all as your girlfriend without any consequences


I'm not sure if that's a question or not but I'll try to answer it :P

The game has 4 Main Girls, and some other characters that are important to the story. You will be able to have a deeper relationship with them.

The game has lots of Side Characters. There will, at some point, exist sexual interactions with most if not all of them, but most likely the MC won't have a deeper relationship with these side characters.

Deleted 155 days ago

Dude, I could be wrong, but when you say NTR is avoidable, do you mean he doesn't appear to the player, like I just don't see the scene, but it still happens behind my back? If some tags/fetishes are like this where I just don't see it but it happens, this game isn't for me, but anyway good work to you and your game!


Avoidable means you can stop it from happening entirely.

For the Main Girls and most of the secondary characters, NTR is avoidable.


Thank you very much, I will watch this game!!


Whenever I see a fascist regime I want to overthrow it, will we be able to burn down the Board at some point?

Yeah! Going against the Board is one of the paths the game will have.

(2 edits)

Hey. So I was just qurious about ayumi's scene for favour exchange. I don't know if this has been asked, but how do i get her to exchange favour? She keeps on saying that she must refuse the offer, even when i have her at 16 corruption and 7 like. Or does it relate to the strikes? Must i give her 2 strikes and fail her on the test?

For Ayumi, it mostly has to do with her grades. Have her fail the test and try it, she should accept then.

(9 edits) (+1)

I see where the problem is.

I haven't downloaded the hotfix, which solves this problem. LOL

Some constructive criticism I think would help: I would however recommend putting in a questline system that directs you in the right direction for each student. Maybe even just a hint in the gallery menu for each scene. Because now at this moment i have run through the game 1000x times because i don't know which scenes exactly lead to which outcomes for the various scenes if you get what I'm saying. I don't know how realistic that would be to implement, but just a thought. :)

I love the game so far. Want to explore everything it offers. Keep up the good work

Awesome, glad you liked it! :)

I am planning on adding a hint system to the gallery menu. That entire screen is a bit of a WIP, I know it can be a bit confusing :P

Deleted 170 days ago

Currently, the easiest way for her to get lower than 100 on the test is in the first weekly test event, where you can give her a 0 for cheating. She really cares about her grades, so that should be enough, maybe some affection/corruption can help.

There's also a very rare event where she can miss the exam, but that's hard to get.

Deleted 170 days ago

same thing, student interaction.

call to office > ask for favor exchange > if she has low grades and/or high affection/corruption, she'll give you something nice ;)


w game w dev cant wait for update🙏

Hi, this game has some belly bulging due to MC's cock size?


There is one instance of it.


Lovely! Any chance of more of this fetish?


This game is Awesome bro! The mechanics are the best I've ever seen in any game of this type, Please keep developing, the game is amazing :]


Thank you! :)



你可以使用Tap translate screen~

Porque la version Android pesa menos ?

(1 edit) (+1)

Android version has a hard limit of 2GB. Since the base game is bigger than that, I had to compress it so it's smaller.

It won't affect quality that much, since phone screens are smaller anyway, so you probably won't notice the compression.


I just wanted to say I love your game the kinks you get to have on here sharing and neotare this game is amazing I love you passhonQ you made an awesome anime nsfw game


Thank you! ;)


I don't really care about the size because I think it's a great game!


Incredibly generic and meh opening, incredible gameplay loop and characters once it starts to kick into gear. Fantastic start to a game, I look forward to seeing what else this game brings.


Before playing, I saw a comment saying that it was the best H-game they had ever played. After downloading and playing it, I understood that it truly is the best


Love the game but I just cannot open Ayumi's last scene. Tried giving her a zero and asking for a favor but she refused. I also tried getting her affection up (to almost 28 I believe) and called her to the office but no option came up. 

Any help would be much appreciated.

(1 edit)

Is this a harem game? Just asking before I download it.

I think it is. But with the description their would be netorase(sharing and stuff yk)


This game was great! but how i get last Ayumi scene That confuses me -_-


It's one of the service interactions feature. Call her to the office and ask to exchange a favor.

She needs to have low grades or a very high affection with you for the option to appear, though, so that might be what's confusing you.


the premise and story thus far are great but one glaring issue is the face and head proportions on some of the characters like mai and the principle are jacked up and i cant stop staring at them. id love to see the faces and heads get tweaked. otherwise the story and fetishes on display are quite appealing!

I agree. Pretty much each character has a different art style. Some model are so different, they look like they're from another game.


idk if that's a good thing, but I did modeled the girls myself. They're not from a different game.


my main concern is especially mai and the principle,  kiyomi as well. their head shape, eye placement and upper head dimensions are shaped off. they dont look right. ayumi and haruka look perfectly fine. i understand if you dont intent to tweak but i figured id give feedback. at least to me they look wrong.

I was trying to say that the models are very inconsistent. I think it would be better if they all have the same style, or at least face shape


Holy hell, this is one of the best h-game I've ever seen. I've played so much h-games, that I'm desensitized by it and pretty much nothing interests me anymore. Most of them are just visual novel slops. But this one is different. The story, the characters, the interactions... Despite being a pretty new game, this is very well made. Compliments to the chef, you COOKED. Please keep up the good work. Also Kiyomi best girl.


Thank you so much! :)


In English

Hello, how are you beautiful people? For me it has been a great project and I really liked the game. Now my question is: can the game run on a 32-bit operating system or is it only 64-bit? Thank you for your answer, I love you. 

In Spanish (sorry, I don't know much about the language)

Hola, ¿cómo están, gente hermosa? Para mí ha sido un gran proyecto y me ha gustado mucho el juego. Ahora mi pregunta es: ¿el juego puede correr en un sistema operativo de 32 bits o es solo de 64 bits? Gracias por tu respuesta, te amo.


I have no way of testing it, but I think it should be able to run.


Seems like the exact description of The Headmaster hopefully this is as good. 


There isn't an official spanish translation as of yet.


Any chance for preg?

It's not something that's planned, sorry.

Maybe as an end game content, but I wouldn't count on it.


Is there any chance of establishing a relationship with Kiyomi? 


Maybe... ;)

Best girl


Is the NTR content avoidable?


For the Main Girls, 100% avoidable.

For Side Girls, avoidable for most of them, but always skippable at least.


why not completely avoidable?

I get some people like it, but most *really* don't want anything to do with it.


Yep I don't think it's helpfull in any way if you can simply skip over scenes or let them fade to black if you know they still happened.


Hahaha, Yeah, don't play the game!!


Hey developer                                                               You said the game will update in the end of july or beginning of august. But the game is still not updated


I'm still working on it. I'll post an announcement when it's done, just follow me and you should get notified. ;)

I just noticed that all of my discord servers were gone and I tried to login again. While I was able to login back into some discord servers, I am not able on yours. Is there a problem on my end or is it yours? Is anyone else having same problem?

Can you send me your discord username so I can check if you're maybe banned?

My discord username is Skrock

(1 edit)

You were recently hacked and was banned because the hacker was sending 'hacking links'. That's probably the reason you can't join other servers as well.

Unbanned ;)


Thanks for your quick response as I am able to rejoin discord. I am going to check my computer for virus and change password. Keep up the good work!

This game is great! Fantastic Job. I have a question though, are all the scenes in the replay gallery available in the current version? If so how can I unlock the scenes I'm missing? Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me! 

(1 edit) (+2)

Yes, all of the replays are currently available in-game. Here's how to get them.

Replay 5 & 6 from the Secondary Characters:

  • Interact with the Baseball bat at your office. They're both from the same event but from different paths, you'll need to save and load before making the decision to get both.

Ayumi Replay 3:

  • Have Ayumi's corruption at 10 or higher.
  • Give either her or Soushi a low grade on the first weekly test.
  • Have Sharing enabled by telling the President that you will share the girls.
  • When Ayumi asks what to do, you need to manipulate her a bit and tell her to repay Soushi some other way. (Comply with Soushi). This option only appears if you have sharing enabled, otherwise it's hidden.
  • Then just don't interrupt Soushi and her.

Really like what you have out so far! Can't wait to see how it goes.


Thank you :)


any idea on a update release date?

Probably by the end of this month or start of the next.


thnx im looking foreward to it

Probably dumb question: are all the characters 18 or older, cuz it'd be kinda creepy otherwise?


Yes, of course. All characters are over 18.

Their ages are shown on the Academy Book.


Is there a chance To make Rina the mc girlfriend?


MC's girlfriend as in one of the main girls, no.

She is one of the more important secondary characters due to her being close friends with Mai, so she is/will be featured quite a lot.


Is there upcoming sex scene for Rina?


Any new updates comin up?


Yes. I'm still working on it, so no release date as of yet.

By the ntr tag, does that mean more than one man?



Hey, I used to be a member of your Discord Server but my account got hacked and sent Some inappropriate stuff on your server and I got banned, Fortunately I got my account back so I ask you to please Unban me from your server, I'll appreciate it.

What's your username?


Thanks For the help man.


Unbanned :)


Very good game, congratulations to the developers, including the story and +18 moments and possible menus and sounds; the characters are very well crafted, each with their own unique characteristics and the story flows in a very pleasant way. I look forward to the next updates and new moments to come! Since now, great strength to the developers!



Is there a Walkthrue or is the Hint system good enough?
Also there are some quarky things at the School, BTW Very good Game/VN.

The game is quite straight forward as of yet, I don't think a walkthrough is needed. If it ever gets too complicated, then I might consider having one.

Thanks :)


Need more Ayumi


Love it so far if you could add more freedom and currency and shop in game will be more interesting and more students will be great and don't forget teachers is shame f teacher or worker can't be touchhed 


Yea I would not Mine getting the Vice Principle & Miss Sato, Maybe She would act different If her Back side Got a Spanking!! As to Cash, Stores/Shops One of which Would Have to be a Lingerie Store/Shop, A Woman's Clothing Store, with Many dresses, Skirts, Blouses, And the Every Popular Dresses. After all Any Man whats his Woman or Women to Look Pretty And Sexy. As for freedom Yes, It might also do if you can Split the During Class & After Class in half. that way the Mc can Have a Better Chance of getting the Right People to the Right Place to Corrupt More Students!!


Will you eventually start making patches that people who already have the game downloaded can use so that we dont have to keep reinstalling the full game over and over again?

Not for now, mainly because I don't know if there's an easy way to do this on itch. I upload it through 'butler' and it automatically replaces the files available with the newest build. Also, because the game is not that big as of yet. If it ever gets to a huge filesize, then I'll consider it.


Gotcha, I hope you find a simple way to make it work. Other than that love what you're doin. Keep it up!

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